Friday, April 10, 2009

GOP: 2nd Great Depression not enough damage; bring back McCarthyism!

It's not just the clinically insane Glenn Becks of the world that are scaring people to the gun stores in fear of America "going down the road to Socialism." Republicans in the House of Representatives - people who really should have a sense of responsibility - are raising the specter of Socialism against the President and Democrats in congress. Rep. Spencer Bachus has apparently started a secret list of "Socialists in the House of Representatives."

All of this would be funny if it were not for the fact that a lot of people are buying into this fear. On the Young Turks show last night they had a recording of some people talking at one of those Republican/Fox News tea bagging parties (you know, those events where people are protesting the fact that Obama is increasing the tax rates of the wealthiest to nearly 1/2 of what it was during the reign of that commie Dwight Eisenhower). Some were totally convinced that Obama represented the culmination of a 50-year plot to turn the U.S. into a communist nation.

So is this what happens when a political party is completely devoid of ideas? Do they think bringing back the Red Scare will have any effect other than making them look like idiots? Or was witnessing their idiology and policies ruin the economy too much for them to handle and they've actually gone insane? I hope not. An intelligent oposition is good for the country. Unfortunately, intelligent conversation doesn't seem to be on the agenda of the current Republican party.

Sore Loser Republicans

Maybe I shouldn't be, but I am honestly surprised by the Republicans trying to scapegoat illegal immigrants and ACORN for their drubbing in November and the state of the economy.

I can understand how painful it must be for them to have to come to terms with the fact that their ideologies have led to the worse financial crisis since the Great Depression and that most Americans are finally fed up with them. However, they aren't doing themselves any good by not taking responsibility for the abysmal job they did running government when they had power. Their doubling down on their ideologies might spell the end of the Republican Party. When the economy starts thriving again, they will be seen as nothing but failed obstructionists who haven't a clue about economics or how to lead during a crisis.